Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The boys were so excited to havea whole Thomas train table with the light house and the roundhouse! When Steve and his dad carried it into the room the boys were jumping up and down yelling "drop it, drop it". They have played with this everyday since Christmas!
Daddy had to help with opening ALL of the presents. Opening presents only took 2 hours!
Lesson #1 always get two of the same toy. This is how Christmas morning started out. As soon as the boys opened their stocking and Grayson realized that Santa had not brought him the same Car Hayden got he was very angry! Thank goodness in a few minutes Hayden gave up possession and realized that he had 50 other presents to open!

The boys were so excited when they walked downstairs and saw that Santa had come the night before and had brought them a lot of new toys!

We were so lucky, our best Christmas present of all this year was the fact that both sets of Grandparents came for six days. The boys had so much fun having four grandparents to spoil them and play with them non-stop. It was also very helpful to me since I was sick-the grandparents cooked and made this a special Christmas for all of us. We appreciate them so much and love having them come for visits.

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